
• Summary list of UN organizations and Educational
institutions that have given accredtitations.
• Summary list of specialist operation
items / knowledge domains of Casting International.

List of accreditations from United Nations organizations

UNDP 	United Nations Development Programme 		
IFAD  	International Fund for Agricultural Development 	
WIPO 	World Intellectual Property Organization 		
UNICEF 	United Nations Children’s Fund 				
UNOV  	United Nations Office at Vienna 				
UNPD 	United Nations Procurement Division 			
UNIDO 	UN Industrial Development Organization 		
UNGM  	United Nations Global Marketplace 			
UNESCO 	UN Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization 	
ILO        	International Labor Organization        			
FAO  	Food and Agriculture Organization
UNLB  	United Nations Logistic Base 				
ITU 		International Telecommunication Union      		
ITC  		International Trade Centre
XXXX 	(UN) May not be advertised or made public.
WFP      World Food Programme
ADB          Asian Development Bank
AFDB        African Development Bank
CTBTO      Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization
OPCW       Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
PAHO        Pan American Health Organization
UN Secretariat     United Nations Secretariat
UNAIDS    the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
UNFPA      United Nations Fund for Population Activities
UNHCR     United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNOPS     United Nations Office for Project Services
UN-Women          United Nations Entity for Gender equality and the Empowerment of Women
WHO        World Health Organization
WMO        World Metereorological Organization				
Specialist knowledge domains of Casting International
(largely as registered according to UN codes)
Long distance learning                                           Combating poverty
Audio visual services and instruction                    Audio visual production tools
Trade promotion and export                               Promote export-oriented industries 
Promoting employment and planning                        Evidence and proofs of evidence
Population education/educating population                Special subjects
Peaceful coexist + peace research                        Communication, media, other
Chemical weapons                                                 Communication systems Video
Continual education                                              Checks made of Universal agreements/ arrangements
Zones of peace                                                   Cooperative education
Coordination of Aid                                              Expert evidence
Teacher associations                                             Teacher evaluation
Education on drugs                                               Economic development research
Education on Geneva Conventions                  Educating Children’s rights
Educating Women’s rights                                         Fact finding missions
Film and video production                                        Job training drills and skills video production teams
                                                                         Associations and Foundations
Witness statements                                               Armed conflicts
Health education                                                 Fight hunger
Intellectual cooperation                                         Intellectual cooperation
Internet on the basics of the development               Internet related services
Internet, design                                                         Internet service providers
Investor and other promotions in tourism                 Climate education
Agricultural Development education                       Liaisons
Live reality -TV via satellite                                   Logistic procedures explanations
Mass communication                                               Human rights education
Military assistance support                                      Military missions support
Military sciences                                                        Mobilization of resources
Monitoring                                                               Moral education
Multinational product promotion                          New international human order
Non-formal adult education                                       Non-governmental organisations
Non-governmental collaboration services          Education
Philosophy of Education                                  Psychology of Education
Sociology of Education                                   Education for Peace
Disarmament                                                      Development consultancy
Development, general                                             Development research
Development of export markets                            War prevention
Public and social services                                      Educational administration
Public information                                               Parental education
Pedagogical Anthropology                                          Reconstruction
Permanent missions                                               Promotion
Project evaluation and review                            Explorations
Psychological warfare                                            Public Relations
Religious education                                              Sales promotion
Sex education                                                   Special education
Special missions                                                         Cease fires
Criminal evidence                                                System design
TV announcement systems                                  Storytelling, entertainment
Peace research                                                   Adult education