• Description of the procedures to which the board
of the foundation is bound in handling investment funds
• The procedures of the Foundation if a film
obtains a financial ‘Go’ or ‘No go’

Certainties for BUSINESS-investors (participants)
1) You become co-owner in the Holding Ltd So speak!... (the format ++); This Holding Ltd does not do business with external companies, by this it can not become bankrupt.
The Holding Ltd gives only licences to its own workingcompanies.
The owners make their own rules & regulations, and direct the holding strategically on basis of their % of shares
2) All intellectual property © (formats-, author-, project-, en project development RIGHTS) of which the participants are co-owner, are in the hands of the Holding Ltd So speak!... in sealed envelops (by an independent and registered third party by means of date time group) of the notary for legal monitoring, security and protection,  in connection with transfer to investors for the benefit of evidence on originality
3) Participants have the possibilities to observe all activities

Certainties for CROWD-investors:
1) Your money is deposited into an account which is managed by the Board of the Foundation following strict procedures.
2) If the total amount for a project is not collected, it is cancelled. The reserved amount is paid back minus 5 -10% administration costs.
3) If the minimum realization budget of average €.100,000* has been collected, and the foundation can prove pre-sales of option-contracts valuing 200% the foundation will give the go-ahead (‘filmthis’) to the creative-, logistic- & production - and marketing-partners and distribute work budgets as set out in the partner contracts, on the basis of no cure no pay.
Only after the required amount of investment has been collected, production will be started.
When during the planning for shootings of scenario and screenplay it emerges that this production process will take longer than 2 years after the first investments –for example –unlimited- because the shootings on location are not covered by insurance because of a war  situation-, the project will be cancelled.
In such a case, the work budgets will be returned in full -100% -, and the foundation will contact specific investors to offer them the choice of paying back their investment minus 5-10 % administration costs, or reinvest the money in another Mediaplan Uganda film. (By the way, there are also film productions –related to Mediaplan Uganda- that can be filmed in Tanzania and/or in Kenia.)
The Board of the foundation repays the investors in accordance with the payout-schedule, as described in this website and the prospectus.

Also see  : Terms and conditions concerning procedures that take place after your investment and payment.

* = see button: Businessplan: / Rules and procedures